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German PIWIsItalianCzechUS HybridsFrench SwissHungaryClarion
Cross: VB86-4 (Seyval blanc × Pinot Noir) × Frontenac (Riparia 89 × Landot 4511)
Zone 5 / University Minnesota
Fruit quality*
- Cluster weight: 119.8 g
- Berry weight: 1.65 g
- Soluble solids content: 23.84 °Brix
- pH: 3.19
- Total acidity: 7.73 g/L
- Malate: 3.7 g/L
* Data based on harvests 2015-2019 at the Horticultural Research Center, Excelsior, MN
Wine quality
- Flavour: Pear, citrus, melon, apricot, chamomile
- pH: 3.25
- Total acidity: 7.27
- Ethanol: 13.84%
Vine attributes
- Vigor: Medium
- Trellis: High wire or VSP
- Habit: Good upright growth habit
- Budbreak: Similar to Marquette
- Bloom: later than Frontenac or Marquette
- Harvest: Mid-September; before La Crescent
- Hardiness: USDA zone 5, marginal in zone 4
Disease resistance
Clarion has moderate susceptibility to powdery mildew and black rot. However, downy mildew and gray mould infections have not been recorded.